Infrared testing is one of the most modern and effective electrical services in Richardson offered by Richardson Ready Electric It relies on thermal imaging to search circuits inside a building’s walls and identify a number of issues that might be present and endangering your power supply. Though it’s increasingly popular with many contractors, you’ll get the best results from your service appointment if you know exactly what this technology is capable of in the right hands.
The right electrical team for your project should be able to apply infrared testing to identify two primary problems that could cost you down the line:
Potential Overload
When too many devices or outlets draw power from the same circuit, the strain can become a serious danger. All that extra electricity coursing through your wires generates heat. Infrared imaging can locate problem circuits before they fail entirely, preventing shorts and breaker tripping.
Unusual Resistance
On the other hand, infrared testing might reveal that some circuits aren’t processing enough power for your property’s needs. The reasons for this can range from faulty manufacturing to unforeseen damage. Regardless of what causes areas of high resistance, getting a fast fix early eliminates downtime and avoid further damage to vital parts of your electrical system.